
Fleet Management Instructions

Please read the below instruction on how to set-up your Fleet Management Portal for your staff parking requirements

Step 1: Activate your MyQ-Park Account if you haven't already

Click the link on the order confirmation email to activate your account or click here to request an activation email.

You should use a generic company email to manage your fleet parking e.g. This way there are no issues if the current person managing your fleet leaves your business.

Step 2: Login to the Fleet Management Portal

Click here and login using your MyQ-Park credentials.

Step 3: Delegate parking rights to your nominated parkers

Within this portal you can assign/remove parking rights to your employees. Simply click on your parking contracts and add delegates (nominated parkers). Once you have delegated all your parking rights, it is important to speak to a member of the Q-Park team and set an onboarding date. On this date all current access cards will stop working and employees will only be able to access the car park using their number plate.

Employee Parker Information

  • Employees that you delegate parking rights will receive an email which allows them to download the app and accept the parking right.


  • Please note once a user accepts a parking right, if you have the old physical cards one of them will stop working instantly. It may not be the one that this particular person uses. Please ensure you schedule all users to make the change at a similar time.
  • Within the 'My Fleet' section you can see all delegated users on the account





Other questions?
You can contact us every day between 09h00 and 17h00 via Facebook and Twitter.
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